Why Telehealth/Online Therapy

anxiety therapist Doylestown, PA

Prior to 2020 I used teletherapy or online therapy to continue counseling sessions with clients as they went off to college in PA.  It worked great, supporting clients I already had a good relationship with.  In March of 2020, due to the pandemic, I switched from meeting with people in my comfortable Doylestown office to having virtual or online sessions with everyone!   I was skeptical at first that this full-time virtual stuff would work.  I was surprised at how effective therapy can be while using telehealth.  You CAN develop a warm, genuine connection with someone through video sessions, even someone you haven’t met in person.  Really.  (It’s not just my opinion as recent studies have documented this.)  And, there are so many advantages…


Teletherapy is super convenient. There’s no commute. It saves time, energy, gas, frustration. You can fit therapy into your schedule more easily (on your lunch break, between college classes, or while you are killing time at your kid’s soccer practice). Appointment slots that weren’t possible for you before are now. Video sessions also work great when you’re not feeling your best. Your progress in therapy doesn’t have to get disrupted by your health, sick kids, your boss, traffic jams or other things beyond your control that would prevent you from coming into the office.   

Online therapy with dog by side

You control the space.

With teletherapy you have your sessions in a space where you feel comfortable and safe. This might mean your living room with your (therapy) dog or cat in your lap, outside in the sunshine, or even in your car or your closet! As long as you are physically in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Michigan or Florida (where I’m licensed to provide teletherapy) at the time of your sessions you get to choose.

How does it work?

I use a HIPAA compliant web platform to conduct therapy sessions. It’s very easy and all you need is a private place and a smart phone or computer with a camera, mic (usually built right in) and an internet connection. No need to download anything. Click on the link and that’s it.  More specific details are in the client portal.

Because of all these advantages, I am only seeing people virtually.  If you are a skeptic, like I was, give it a try. You, too, may find that the benefits far outweigh your concerns. 

You’ve come this far, take this step

To calm your mind, and find joy and confidence in your life, call me at 267-935-9262 for a FREE 15 minute conversation to get started.

IF you’re still unsure about telesessions for counseling, call me at 267-935-9262 and let’s talk about it. Or send me an email saying so, and we’ll do a trial video session to ease your anxiety! We got this.