Being a Teen is Tough

You don’t have to figure it out on your own!

You dread every day. 

You know deep down that life shouldn’t be this hard. You push yourself and you try your hardest, but it isn’t working. You’re stressed out over things that shouldn’t stress you out and you overthink everything. You put pressure on yourself that you know is you, but you can’t help it. 

You’re overemotional and overreactive to everything, sometimes even called dramatic. You’re avoiding your friends, your social battery is drained. You want to be alone, but you feel lonely.  You’re sad. You can’t even begin to think about college or your future because you can hardly get through today.

It’s getting to the point that you can’t focus, can’t remember stuff and keeping your grades up feels is impossible. You’ve lost your motivation, and just want to be in your bed, and make everything go away. Only you know that you can’t do that.  And that stresses you out even more.  

I hear you. I can help.

I understand how miserable this feels especially with the extra pressures of being a teen in today’s world. I’m Xana, a therapist who works with anxious and overwhelmed teens just like you. I help you get out of your head and give you tools and strategies to manage the overthinking, the anxiety, the fear and the sadness. 

Therapy with the right therapist

By meeting on a weekly basis, you will feel heard, supported, and you will know that you’re not alone. You’ll feel safe to share those dark or crazy thoughts. Together we figure out what works for you so that you don’t dread everyday. You will gain confidence and feel free from those controlling thoughts and emotions. You will start doing things you never thought you could, you’ll dream of a future and know that it’s possible.

If this is you, don’t wait to get yourself some help. Show your parent or other responsible adult this website and tell them that you found someone who gets you and will help. Have them call me at 267-935-9262 for a FREE 15 minute consultation to discuss how counseling with the right therapist will change your world. Or, have them click here to send a request and I’ll call them.  You deserve this.